COVID-19 Meeting
As we prepare to meet as a church family again, we need to respect government guidelines and continue to take into consideration that some individuals and households are more vulnerable than others to COVID-19. As a Leadership Team, we desire to uphold an atmosphere of honor and provide options for participation that reflect a range of situations and comfort levels.
Important information for Sunday morning meeting options:
Outdoor Meeting Option:
Whenever weather permits, we will meet outside on the front parking lot. We will put up several canopies to protect from the sun. We may need your help carrying out a chair for yourself and another person.
Social distancing: As per the Mayor’s orders, we will also practice social distancing. We ask you to be aware of how physically close you get to those outside of your household. The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends a six-foot distance and we will have this marked off in our meeting area.
No nursery or children’s church: Unfortunately, we cannot offer nursery or children’s church during our meetings for the time being. Children are welcome but will need to sit with their families during the service.
No Upper Room for now: At least at first, we will not be able to have Upper Room. We will be looking for ways to facilitate Upper Room safely as soon as we can, as this sharing and fellowship time is so valuable.
Hand sanitizer: We will have hand sanitizer available from the greeters.
Tithes and offerings can be placed directly in the outdoor mail slot.
Please stay home if you are sick or have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19. (Information on symptoms below.)
Zoom option:
The service will also be available on Zoom. The link will be sent by email. To use Zoom you will need to download the Zoom app onto your smart phone.
Information from the CDC on COVID-19 Symptoms and Vulnerable Populations
Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, or nausea or vomiting.
Seek emergency medical attention if you have any of these danger signs: trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face.
Self-isolate except to seek medical care if you may have COVID-19. Additionally, if you have had contact with someone infected with Covid-19, the CDC recommends staying home for 14 days due to the time it can take to develop symptoms.
Vulnerable populations: the CDC identifies older adults (more than 65 years) as being more vulnerable to severe illness from COVID-19, along with people of any age with any of the following underlying conditions: high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, obesity, liver disease, kidney disease requiring dialysis, people with hemoglobin disorders including sickle cell anemia, people who are immunocompromised, or people living with HIV.
For more information on COVID-19 and Centers for Disease Control recommendations, please see
This time has had its challenges for us in many different ways. Let’s make it our goal to be patient and gracious with one another as we transition back to meeting together. As always, please let us know how we can pray for you – and what information you are comfortable sharing with others to join in prayer.
We look forward to seeing you on June 14th in the format best suited to you!